The guys and gals over at Backlash are holding a fundraiser to ensure they can continue to provide legal advice and specialist solicitors to the people that are turning to them for help.
Backlash is an umbrella organisation providing academic, legal and campaigning resources defending freedom of sexual expression. We support the rights of adults to participate in all consensual sexual activities and to watch, read and create any fictional interpretation of such in any mediaFrom the Backlash Website
The evening will consist of film, talks and round table discussions by specialists including our solicitors, external campaigners and academics, then music and drinks until closing time!
Click the link above or here to visit their website for more details.
Whilst not directly linked to the technical issues of ISP Filtering they are certainly caught up in the morale furore that MPs & the media keep inciting around sex, sexuality and the Internet.
Backlash’s Moral Panic Film Club
Backlash’s Moral Panic Film Club
The guys and gals over at Backlash are holding a fundraiser to ensure they can continue to provide legal advice and specialist solicitors to the people that are turning to them for help.
The evening will consist of film, talks and round table discussions by specialists including our solicitors, external campaigners and academics, then music and drinks until closing time!
Click the link above or here to visit their website for more details.
Whilst not directly linked to the technical issues of ISP Filtering they are certainly caught up in the morale furore that MPs & the media keep inciting around sex, sexuality and the Internet.
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