
Claire Perry – Ostrich or Hypocrite?

Claire Perry recently attended an event about tackling domestic violence

Despite numerous reports of Internet filters causing overblocking of domestic abuse help websites including a warning from Woman’s Aid Chief Executive Polly Neate;

Women’s Aid is warning that the new ‘porn filters’ used by most major internet service providers may be putting women experiencing domestic violence and others at risk.
It has been revealed that filters used by all four major providers are blocking access to lifesaving websites providing information on domestic violence and sexual health.
The charity is highlighting that it could be very dangerous for a woman experiencing domestic violence to ‘opt-in’ to domestic violence information sites, as her partner may check her computer and see she’s been accessing the information.Polly Neate Dec

Claire Perry is insisting that such concerns and warnings are “peddling dangerous rubbish”

Is this MP simply sticking their head in the sand so as not to accept the damage they’ve caused or do they want to appear to be doing one thing regardless of what their actions actually cause?

How many children have been unable to reach the NSPCC or Childline website and how many woman have been unable to reach rape or domestic abuse help websites now that the filters are in place?

Internet pornography petition

Smoking in Car Laws “Unenforceable” – Filtering the Internet? Easy.

Claire Perry tweeted today that she believes that laws about smoking with a Child in the car are unenforceable and “bad”.

By extension it follows that Ms Perry believes that laws about driving whilst drunk, driving whilst high, driving without a seatbelt and driving whilst using a mobile phone without hands free are also unenforceable “bad” laws.

This is the MP who thinks that the Internet can be filtered…

Internet pornography petition

Claire Perry Proves Once Again That She Has No Idea What She Is Talking About

Two days after internet porn-blocking campaigner MP Claire Perry announced ISP filters were not overblocking content, the government has announced it is.

On top of that Ms Perry consistently berates her constituents and steadfastly sticks to the story that filters aren’t overblocking;