Brass Horn Communications is a non-profit entity registered in the UK whose sole purpose is to provide Internet based services and education to help people evade censorship and avoid surveillance.
Their first Tor Exit node went live on March 2nd joining 8 other multi-purpose Tor relays, additionally Brass Horn Communications has adopted the infrastructure of / and in doing so has published the Tor entry bridges used by the Squid proxies into the public directory for general use.
The name came from a Welsh legend;
Britain was plagued by the Coraniaid who could not be injured because their hearing was so sharp that they could hear any sound that the wind carried. It was by using a Brass Horn that Llefelys was able to securely communicate to his brother Lludd how to defeat the Coraniaid.
One of the stated goals of the organisation is to provide UK centric Tor relays and bridges (especially obfuscated bridges) to enable those in the UK to browse an uncensored Internet at relative speed to their native connection.
At the moment the team is working on a new version of the software to release under the BSD license.