Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, one of David Cameron’s most high-profile technology advisers, has rubbished plans to introduce porn filters through the UK’s internet service providers, dismissing the proposals as “ridiculous” and saying money would be better spent on policing internet crime.
He went on further to say
We should be devoting a significant proportion of that to dealing with the real criminal issues online, stealing credit card numbers, hacking into sites … that is going to take an investment in real, solid police work.The Guardian
The ISPs hate the idea, consumers hate the idea and even the Governments own celebrity advisors hate the idea.
But they are going to go ahead, you know, for the children…
Jimmy Wales: David Cameron’s porn filter idea is ridiculous and will fail
Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, one of David Cameron’s most high-profile technology advisers, has rubbished plans to introduce porn filters through the UK’s internet service providers, dismissing the proposals as “ridiculous” and saying money would be better spent on policing internet crime.
He went on further to say
The ISPs hate the idea, consumers hate the idea and even the Governments own celebrity advisors hate the idea.
But they are going to go ahead, you know, for the children…
Anti Internet censorship trouble maker.
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