Anti Internet censorship trouble maker.
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Immunicity Returns
On the 2nd of October the Government Intellectual Property Office and the City of London Police PIPCU posted to twitter about how they’d diverted 11 million views from ‘pirate’ websites since July 2014. #IPCrimeReport15 – Since Jun 14, @CityPolicePIPCU divert 11m pirate web views to police pages http://t.co/iWi0DnVdDa pic.twitter.com/qlBsYYMFcx — IPO.GOV.UK (@The_IPO) October 2, 2015…
Increase the Cost of Filtering to ISPs by Raising ADR Complaints
OFCOM has a lot of rules for ISPs to follow and under General Condition 14 (GC14.5 – Dispute Resolution) – all ISPs in the United Kingdom are required to be members of an approved ADR scheme like CISAS or Ombudsman Services, which are designed to supplement (not replace) the ISPs own internal complaints procedures and…
Filters Are For Coffee – Not The Internet
Today is International Coffee Day so what better day to take the Open Rights Group tag line of “Filters Are For Coffee Not The Internet” and investigate the capabilities of the Internet filtering at various coffee locations. Costa Coffee / Cafe Nero – O2 Wifi DNS Spoofing: Partial MiTM SSL: No Deep Packet Inspection: Yes…
Building a PIPCU Resistant Immunicity Style Proxy Using Tor
A Little History In June 2004 BT took the step of putting technical measures in place that allowed them to censor the Internet. At the time there was muffled dissent at the idea of creating and deploying such technology but those voices were silenced by accusations that opposition to CleanFeed was to support the abuse…
#CensoredUK Day of Action
The Sex and Censorship campaign put out a call to arms earlier this week for December 12th to be a day of action for calling attention to UK Internet Censorship.
As one of the technical volunteers to the Open Rights Group Censorship Monitoring Project I decided to track how the campaign went on Twitter using the DataSift platform.
Tweets by Time of Day
Message Reach
Whenever someone sends a tweet it is seen by all their followers. Over the course of the day a minimum of 2,985,023 people saw the #CensoredUK hash tag.
If we allow for duplicate tweets (same hashtag but different content) then the #CensoredUK message was seen a minimum of 3,959,409 times by followers alone.
Everyone cares about Internet Filters
Not that it was a surprise but it was interesting to see the rich mix of people (and reasons) for opposing ISP Filters.
By using profile names one can extrapolate gender and see that a significant number of woman also took part in the discussion.
Campaign Differences
The Protecting our Children website has only inspired 1,391 tweets in the 5 months it has been online whereas the #CensoredUK Day of Action involved a minimum of 4079 people with only 1 day notice and 38,276 people have signed the petition to stop Internet Filtering
Common Themes
Worst ISPs?
83% of tweets about ISP censorship mentioned the ISP O2 with BSkyB, ThreeUK, BT, EE and Plusnet also getting mentioned negatively.
The only ISP to be mentioned in a positive light was Andrews and Arnold thanks to their strong stance against filtering.
Does this make O2 the worst ISP for over blocking the UK Internet? Well once the Censorship Monitoring Project Probes start rolling out we’ll find out!
Keep up the good fight everyone and if you want to know more about Internet Censorship or want to help fight it then look at donating / volunteering to the Open Rights Group.